Understand spend quickly and easily. Move from line item to enterprise-wide view with a click. Optimize savings opportunities based on your strategy.
Gain real-time visibility into your cost-savings initiatives and their impact. Eliminate redundancy and error from data capture, tracking and measurement.
Quickly identify, evaluate and qualify new suppliers. Streamline your sourcing events and achieve best-value agreements whenever you source.
Reduce the time, effort and paper used to create, manage and monitor contracts. Boost contract utilization and increase spend compliance.
Monitor thousands of suppliers; use scorecards, surveys, alerts, status and summary reports; track, measure and optimize supplier performance.
Boost adoption and spend under management with a consumer-like purchasing experience, improve compliance and reduce cycle times.
GEP SMART is a unified procurement software platform built for procurement professionals by procurement experts. Drive greater efficiency and performance with a comprehensive solution for direct and indirect procurement designed to streamline and automate all your source-to-pay processes. GEP SMART unifies upstream sourcing and downstream procurement operations into one state-of-the-art cloud platform with a powerful, complete set of capabilities for direct as well as indirect spend management.
Identify opportunities, manage savings, make purchases and payments, all through a unified procurement platform
Boost adoption and drive enterprise-wide compliance with intelligent, intuitive interfaces and user-centric design
Procurement on the Move™ - Manage all source-to-pay processes on the go with a mobile-native design – anytime, anywhere, any device
Enable fluid information, process and work flow – speed up your end-to-end indirect and direct procurement processes
Facilitate greater collaboration and synergy between procurement, suppliers, production, finance and other key stakeholders
Standardize on field-tested, procurement process management best-practices and workflows for best-in-class performance
Smart software means happy users.
GEP SMART™ is thoughtfully conceived, and beautifully designed to deliver a "consumer-grade" digital work environment, precision-engineered for supply and procurement professionals.
Intuitive design, stunning visual appeal, intelligent interfaces, the ability to move fluidly and naturally from task to task, and the ability to work on any platform and any device drives adoption rates that are among the highest in the industry. Great Software, Happy Users™ - that's the GEP promise.
Happy users means greater adoption and results.
GEP SMART’s user-first design eliminates routine and redundant processes, accelerates or collapses complex tasks, and intelligently provides tools and resources to help people achieve more, get better results and succeed in their work.
GEP combines great design and an understanding of user working practices and preferences to create software that works with maximum effectiveness and makes it easy for users to achieve what they need.
Budget to Pay™ is a new, technology-based, data-centric approach that enables finance and procurement to jointly drive cost reduction initiatives right from the budgeting process all the way until invoices are matched and paid.
Budget-to-Pay allows CFOs and finance leaders to get full visibility and control over enterprise spend and differentiate between “good” and “bad” costs with near-surgical precision.
The result? Greater P&L cost reductions, and more effective budgeting and spend decisions.